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How To Flash Samsung S5620 Monte

How To Flash Samsung S5620 Monte

How To flash
Samsung S5620 Monte Flashing

If you are want to know what is the steps to flash the  Samsung S5620 Monte
Here we go…………..

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Flashing process:
  1. Download Samsung S5620 Monte Software Downloader.
  2. Run the Downloader Program and Select ( BRCM2153 ).
  3. Put your phone into Download Mode by pressing ( Volume Down + Power button ) at the same time.
  4. Now Connect USB cable to phone.
  5. In the program window press Port Search Button to check good connection.
  6. Now you have to select these files : Amss - Rsrc1 - Rsrc2 - FactoryFS each one in its field.
  7. Press Download button to start the programming operation.
  8. Do not remove phone or cable till the program finish the whole process.
  9. After reboot the phone do Full reset by ( *2767*3855# ) and you are done.

See video of this whole process how to coming soon