samsung c3222 unlock with usb
samsung c3222 unlock with usb
Selected model: C3322
Selected com port: COM5
Selected speed port: 921600
Please, connect phone and press power button 3 seconds
Phone fail TAT MODE
Deactivated MSL - FAIL
if your are want to unlock samsung c3222 by port cable and it failed then here is solution
you can unlock with it usb
connect mobile with usb
and press volume key down + unlok key
after it will unlock as it
Selected model: C3222
Selected com port: COM5
Selected speed port: 921600
Press "volume down" + "lock" and connect USB cable to phone
Connect to control pipe... OK
Processor ID -> 0A33
Sending loader... OK
Connect to control pipe... OK
Connect to write pipe... OK
Connect to read pipe... OK
Damping... OK
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Unlock - ok
If lock - not deactivate: Please make full reset *2767*3855# + input code #7465625*638*00000000#
Elapsed time: 118 second, sw ver: 3.5.0040