A Complete Website fo Mobile Software Solution, Hard reset Mobile, Pattern lock Remove Tricks, Hacking Tricks, Computer Repairing Tricks, Window software


Moto G is an Android Smartphone developed and manufactured by Motorola . Unveiled on 13 November 2013, the phone was initially aimed at emerging markets, although it is also available in developed markets as a low-price option.
After six months on the market, the Moto G is Motorola's best-selling smartphone ever, and is the top selling phone in  Mexico.

Brief Definition From wikipedia

Hard Reset will erase all of your data

  1. Firstly Power off your Mobile.

  2. Then  hold Volume Up + Volume Down + Power button.

  3. After  you see Android logo, then press Home key.

  4. Then select option "wipe data/factory reset" using Volume buttons, and Power button to confirm.
  5. Now choose from the menu option "Yes -- delete all user data". 
  6.  In the end Repress Power Button to confirm  "reboot system now".
  7. You Have Done!